Self Study Expectations

Helena Romanes Sixth Form’s expectations of students in terms of behaviour for learning are set out in the Home School agreement - Code of conduct. The following procedures will be used in response to breaches of those expectations. Inevitably, each case will need to be considered individually and the responses will vary according to the particular circumstances.

However, a common understanding by staff, students and their parents/carers, of the process and of likely consequences should ensure fair treatment for students and support for staff in their dealings with students who are not meeting our expectations. An important aspect of the procedures is that, in addition to any formal action, they also set out the need to identify and provide appropriate support for students who find themselves in difficulty.

The procedures are both broad and simple, and are primarily designed to support the student with their academic studies.  Serious breaches of behaviour and discipline will be dealt with in consultation with the Sixth Form Collegiate, and may by-pass Student Support procedures.

Study Time Expectations

Part of Sixth Form student life is having time which is spent in a non-teaching environment. Some of this time will be directed below and the majority should be used in study areas to complete independent work.

The table below is over a two-week period - 50 hours

Activity Time Expectation
Lesson Time 3 Lessons = 24 hours
4 Lessons = 32 hours
Academic Enrichment 1 hour - Year 12 only
Personal (non-academic) Enrichment Opportunities 2 hours
Split into 1 hr per week
One-to-One Tutorial Time 2 hours
Independent Study Time 2 hours per subject per week
3 Lessons = 12 hours
4 Lessons = 16 hours
Free Time - Year 12 3 Lessons = 9 hours
4 Lessons = 4 hours
Free Time - Year 13 3 Lessons = 10 hours
4 Lessons = 4 hours

Period 5 Privilege

Year 12 and 13 students may have the period 5 privilege if they have no timetabled lesson or activity on a period 5 

  • Year 12 from Christmas onwards (Half term 2A)
  • Year 13 students from September 

Students on any stage of a support plan will not have this privilege. The privilege may also be removed for poor behaviour and/or attendance problems. 


  • Students may sign out at 1:25pm (the start) of lunch if they have no timetabled lesson period 5
  • This time can be used for driving lessons (no other time should be used)
  • The period 5 privilege must be agreed and signed off by a parent/guardian before being approved

Consequences for not following the system 

  • 1 warning per half-term
  • Period 5 privilege removed for the half-term
  • Attendance report with review of position in Sixth Form