
Sixth Form enrichment opportunities are a crucial part of what makes Helena Romanes Sixth Form the community it is. 

Wednesday afternoon elective sessions enable students to experience different activities, ranging from sports such as football, yoga and fitness to charity work, event management, photography and first aid courses. 

The links with the on-site primary school are already proving incredibly popular with many students. Those who are interested in child care, primary education or child development are able to spend time on a work based placement alongside their academic studies. 

Through our PSHE programme students will have access to range of external speakers who will complement the work being done by tutors delivering the personal development curriculum. 

Once a term the community participates in a Year 12 and 13 trip, this year the planned trips are to London to see a musical; a sports event and one in the summer term that will be proposed by the students themselves. 

As well as the student leadership opportunities with the Head Student positions, there are also leadership roles on the prom committee and the charities committee which students can be part of.

HRS Sixth Form life is not just about academic success, it's about continuing to develop and grow as a well-rounded individual.