Student Support

Dedicated Child Protection email address
As part of our commitment to ensure all students at HRS have access to appropriate support if they feel at risk of harm for any reason, or are worried a friend may be at risk of harm, we have set up a dedicated e-mail address which automatically feeds to our Designated Child Protection staff Miss L Brammer and Mr S Emberton.  Some students like to make an initial discreet approach regarding concerns without a face to face meeting, particularly if they are concerned about a friend, and we hope this will ensure we do not miss any Safeguarding concerns that our students may encounter.

This email address can also be used by parents should you have any Child Protection issues which you wish to raise with us.  Alleged bullying, friendship and other behavioural matters should continue to be directed to our Pastoral Leaders in the first instance, not to this email address, which is dedicated to Child Protection issues where a child may be suffering or at risk of suffering “significant harm”.

The address is: